Saturday’s flash hike took us to Hancock to hike the Shaker settlement. Parking on Route 20 across from the Shaker Hancock Village the trail goes into the woods as part of the Pittsfield State Forest. The Shakers were believers in the millennialism principal, that “heaven on earth” is possible. This religious order believed this concept could be achieved through communal living, pacifism, celibacy, gender equality and the public confession of sin. Today this utopian sect is renowned for its plain architecture and furniture.

The Shakers trace their origin to the religious ferment of Manchester, England, in 1747. They called themselves The United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing. Worship could take the form of singing and ecstatic dance, which is why they were popularly called the “Shaking Quakers,” or “Shakers.” They believed that Christ’s second coming was personified in their leader Ann Lee, whom they called Mother Ann. Misunderstood and persecuted in England, the Shakers gathered a small group of enthusiastic followers to their new Christian lifestyle and beliefs. In 1774, Mother Ann Lee led eight Shaker converts from Manchester, England, to America, seeking freedom to live, work, and worship.

Lets start with all to see in the lower part of the hike, the entire loop totals 6.7 miles including Shaker and Doll Mountain. The reservoir here supplied water to the village, built by the shakers, water from Shaker Brook supplied the power for a carding mill, tannery, fulling, grist and sawmill. The cellar hole for the North Family dwelling can be seen here. Along the trail look out for all the signage, like the marble quarry in the hill to the left, where we found marble and slate. All here can be viewed and hiked in an easy 2 miler along both sides of the brook. The high dam partially standing along with the water works, low dam and mill foundations make this a great exploration area. #CyberMonday
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